In doing more thinking about how we choose to evolve or entrench in our theological interpretations, I was speaking to a friend of mine who has been doing some work with women who are moving out of sex trafficking.
Read MoreI’ve always struggled with the Noah and the Ark story. It doesn’t fit tidily into the loving and redeeming trajectory of God’s story with Man.
Read MoreLike most of the people I talk with, I am genuinely bewildered at how divided people of faith are currently when we all claim to believe in God.
Read MoreIn my first few years of sobriety, as I was rebuilding my life and it felt like every door was closed to me, my AA sponsor would encourage me to stand in the dark hallway and wait for God to open another door.
One. That’s how many all-nighters I’ve pulled. And it wasn’t even to study or complete a project.
Read MoreWhat do you do with Jesus? Lent is a season of reflection, confession, and penitence. As penitents, we have walked deeply into ashes and doubt, sorrow and regret, rest and forgiveness.
Read MoreTo walk in the forest is to encounter the passage of centuries. A cathedral of time marked off in rings of alternating slow and fast growth.
Read MoreShe is smack dab in the middle of losing her baby teeth. One of her front teeth is growing back in, but the other is a cheerful gap. Her knees are knobby and bruised from jumping off swings and bouncing on the trampoline.
Read MoreAll snowflakes start from a particle of dust. As they fall through the wet womb of the cloud, they grow feathers or spikes or wings: each according to its journey.
Read MoreHis feet dragged through the sand. There was no reason to walk down into the valley. It hadn’t rained since he had last been there, and his sheep would find nothing but starving locusts.
Read MoreIt should be simple to return home. Honestly, it should be simple to do a lot of things that aren’t simple.
Read MoreThings are not always what they seem. Just consider ash and time. The end of a thing. The true unmoved mover. Remnants. Immutability.
Read MoreThe Avengers-an elite force.
Is that a force of protection? A force of justice? A force for vengeance? A force for good? A force for evil? A force for vigilantes?
She departs for imagination. She withdraws. She leaves. Not to be rude or show disinterest in the current happening, but to find the creativity that dwells within.
Read MoreI’ve written a bit about possibilities and about paradigm shifts. Experimenting with both these things takes some doing. Or being.
Read MoreIn a recent daily meditation from Richard Rohr (January 5 to be precise) In which Cynthia Bourgeault says, “We’re living in an era right now which some would call a major paradigm shift.”
Read MoreI, like many of you, have been inundated with news summarizing the good and the not good of 2020. As we move into 2021, we all have a choice to make.
Read MoreLike a blaze of color across a graphite landscape, an Epiphany of hope arrives as an outrage.
Read MoreGod who created the sun that gives us light and the plants who turn that light into energy, we give you thanks! Incarnate God who came to table, we give you thanks! Holy Spirit who fills us with wonder, we give you thanks!
Son of God who sat and told stories, Creator God who filled the stones with tales of mystery, Spirit of God who inhabits our stories, be they tales of joy or sorrow, grant us the courage to tell the truth—our truth.