Missional Wisdom Foundation Publications

The Missional Wisdom Foundation teaches about alternate forms of Christian community through its books and newsletters. These publications share the MWF vision, methods, and theology developed through experimentation and reflection.

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Together Magazine

We produce a bi-annual magazine in which we invite members of the dispersed community and staff to write articles about our work. You can download a digital copy here for free or email Larry Duggins for a physical copy.


Authors, Books, and Curriculum

We have a number of profound writers on the MWF staff. You can learn more about them on by clicking their staff profiles and shop their titles in our bookstore. We also have a variety of curriculum that we have created to resource individuals, congregations, and organizations as they navigate our changing world.



Are you interested in writing a book? Would you like to publish the book with Missional Wisdom Foundation? We have a relationship with Wipf and Stock, where we have our own library of published books with them. If you would like to work with us, submit a book proposal.


Wisdom for the Way Newsletter

We strive to send out regular dispatches from the many experiments happening in MWF hubs around the country as well as the profound theological reflection unfolding in our teaching. You can peruse some of these stories by visiting our blog. To receive Wisdom for the Way in your inbox each week, click the button below and scroll all the way down the page.