I stepped out of the psych ward and into the hall after visiting—we’ll call her Suzy. She was a preteen; a basketball playing, honest yet sneaky, beautiful, hilarious little girl.
Read MoreOur days on Iona were coming to a close. I had climbed Dun I. I had walked a good bit and had viewed the North Atlantic from every side of the isle. I had broken bread with pilgrims.
Read MoreThe names in the following haven’t been changed to protect the innocent. No one in the following is innocent.
Read MoreThe Lord’s Prayer, The Jesus Prayer, breath prayer, prompted prayer, extemporaneous prayer, be still and know…
Read MoreWhat would your theology be in one, simple sentence?
Read MoreIn Luke, chapter 18, Jesus tells a story about two men praying in the synagogue. One is reminding himself, and God, that he is living the good life.
Read MoreThe first chapter of The Samaritan’s Friend is my retelling of the marriage at Cana; the wedding recounted in John, chapter two, where the water gets turned into wine.
Read MoreHer snaggle teeth flashed in her grin as she rushed to the entrance of the school-turned-arts-center. She had her very own violin in it’s very own case.
Read MoreThe risers jounced and rebounded under the pounding of a thousand jumping feet. The stadium air reached body temperature as the exhaled shouts formed a miasma of heat and sound.
Read MoreTake a look around you. Just in your very immediate surroundings (three-foot radius with you at the center), how many things are there to keep you from being bored?
Read Morelive this life and do whatever is done, in a spirit of loving kindness.
Read MoreHow does one live one by one? To see each car that passes, not as a soulless mechanized obstacle, but as a vehicle containing someone…
Read MoreFact: a paper bag used to bring home various comestibles is a grocery bag, sack, or, apparently, a poke. It is not a robot mask.
Read MoreBreakfast begins right after the dinner dishes are done. After the dishwasher is started, I set up my coffee to drip, automatically, at 7:25 am and mix together breakfast.
Read MoreIn the beginning was the Word... In the beginning, God said let there be…What does it mean to create?
Read MoreThe Feast of All Saints is an invitation to remember. Not just a fond reminiscence, but “a deeper, slower kind of remembering; it means remembering as a searching and finding.” (Buechner, A Crazy, Holy Grace, 60)
Read MoreThe Feast of All Saints is an invitation to remember. Not just a fond reminiscence, but “a deeper, slower kind of remembering; it means remembering as a searching and finding.” (Buechner, A Crazy, Holy Grace, 60)
Read MoreOh God of all the Saints, We come to you as a people not simply as individuals. We gather together and pray to you as a community of Saints, both living and in glory.
Read MoreThe Feast of All Saints is celebrated on the first day of November. It is a day that we remember. Today I am remembering Frederick Buechner.
Read MoreMy daughter and I were on a walk today when she gasped and pointed with a breathless, “Look at that one!”
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