Timothy Leonard
Timothy has been involved in the development and financing of Affordable Housing since 1998. He has closed more than $7.5 billion of Affordable Housing debt transactions in more than 40 states. Tim has extensive experience with Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and HUD loan programs having financed properties that have combined a variety of subsidies including federal historic tax credits, state historic tax credits, federal low income tax credits, state low income tax credits, tax-exempt bonds, and various forms of subsidy financing from local, state, and federal sources such as IRP decoupling, Tax Increment Financing, various HUD community redevelopment funding sources, tax abatements, tax exemptions, and PILOTs. Tim’s tenure includes managing director at MMA Financial, vice president at Glaser Financial Group, vice president at Charter Mac, and project manager at HRI Properties. In the Community, Tim and his family attend and are active with White’s Chapel United Methodist Church. Tim serves on the Board of the Missional Wisdom Foundation and Infinite Impact, Inc. Tim’s wife Stacey, serves on the Board of Grapevine Faith Christian School.