It Is Time
Photo credit: Pfeiffer YeTI
It Is Time
by Bret Wells
Since the first cohort in 2011, Launch & Lead (formerly known as The Academy for Missional Wisdom) has been equipping people and teams from all over the US to launch and lead alternative forms of Christian community, and/or provide support to those who do.
- Contemplative Disciples Who Practice Being Fully Present to God, Self, and Others
- Influencers Who Foster Transformative Community
- Reflective Practitioners Who Employ a Contextually Nimble Approach
- Co-Creators Who Demonstrate Imaginative and Collaborative Posture
We know that these are characteristics of our graduates because these are precisely the traits and skills our 14 core competencies and 70+ learning objectives are designed to develop and measure.
People from all over the country have already utilized the training in Launch & Lead to plant churches, networks of churches, and intentional Christian communities. Others have helped focus, refine, or discover a new vision in established congregations, or changed the way their church or denomination supports and equips new communities. Several have started non-profit organizations. Some have started neighborhood ministries or simply reclaimed the concept of being a neighbor.
We don't tell you what to do. We help you discover where the mission of God is already at work around you. Through a collaborative community we provide the encouragement, support, tools, and processes to participate in that mission with authenticity, contextual awareness, and a missional imagination.
We are about to begin the first cohort of the newly redesigned Launch & Lead. The new version is built more intentionally around a competency-based approach, that provides measurable evidence (beyond their transformational stories) that our participants are not just learning about but are learning to do. We are also building in even more options for tailoring your learning specifically to your context and experience. We have ramped up the coaching support and are now including multiple powerful assessment tools (such as Strengths Finder 2.0, the Social/Emotional Intelligence Index, and the Energy Leadership Index) to support individual leadership development. And with our new national cohort model, participants will have the opportunity to meet and spend time with Launch & Lead participants from around the country twice a year.
Registration for the Fall '17 Cohort ends Sept 15. Don't miss out.
It is time. Are you ready?
Photo credit: Ryan Klinck