Bounded by Study
Photo Credit Andrea Lingle
By Andrea Lingle
One of the most nourishing parts of my work with the Missional Wisdom Foundation is the development of and my participation in the Incarnational Study Series. Begun in Advent 2017, the Incarnational Study Series has developed into three multi-platform studies per year: Advent Incarnate, Lent Incarnate, and Simple Incarnate (offered during Ordinary Time).
Every study is anchored by the Wisdom for the Way. These essays take the scripture and the book around which the study is formed and allows both resources to carve out something new. When I am looking for books and scriptures I try to make the link between the two fruitful. Sometimes that means that there is an underlying truth or understanding that I am trying to explore, and, sometimes, and these are often my favorite studies to curate, I pick things that do not immediately correlate. These disparities create cathedrals of this or thatness. Expanses of uncertainty that allow the participants to explore new areas. I love to write through the tension of two stories that push from different angles. It opens up my understanding of what we are studying in marvelous ways.
Along with the Wisdom for the Way, each study has an accompanying Incarnational Group Guide. These liturgies are meant for small groups. They work well in person or online. It is a source of deep joy to join the Dispersed Community as we practice together with these guides on Monday afternoons during the course of each study. It is truly one way that we are learning to be a Community of Grace in the face of dispersal. The guides are split into weeks and take a group into a liturgical space of prayer, spiritual practice, confession, reflection, and inquiry. No leader or preparation is required beyond a materials list, and participants are free to engage as they feel comfortable.
The final part of the study is an online study guide for the book and scripture around which the study is built. Study questions and online resources are listed for each week of the study. While you do not need to be a part of a group to use this resource, it is available for small group use.
This Advent, the Missional Wisdom Foundation will be hosting the Incarnational Study: Advent Incarnate: I AM Who(?) I AM. For this study, we will be using excerpts from Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer and Curiosity Studies by Perry Zurn and Arjun Shankar. The Incarnational Group Guide will use the text from the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 9, wherein Jesus asks who he is perceived to be.
Starting December 6th, I would be honored if you were to join us on Monday afternoons at 5:00 eastern on Zoom. If you have an existing small group, please feel free to use these resources. If you have questions, email me at alingle at missionalwisdom dot com. If you would like to use one of these studies with a church and would like to have the study (active studies only) materials tailored to your congregation, please contact me at the email above for available resources.
Allow this Advent to ask you: Who do you say that I am?