Before the Beginning
Photo Credit: Ryan Roth-Klinck
By Andrea Lingle
Before the beginning.
Back when all-that-there-is had yet to be,
There was diffusion.
There was u-ni-form-i-ty.
There was i-n-f-i-n-i-t-e possibility,
And nothing.
Not one thing.
And all things.
Would come to be.
All that there is:
Pine needles,
Styrofoam cups,
Hazelnuts and topaz,
Chicken wattles,
The White Cliffs of Dover
Tide pools and Christmas lights.
Dark chocolate,
Shot-gun casings and Floam,
Broken guitar strings,
Compression socks and monarchs.
All that there is came from limiting the limitless.
From the infinity of diffuse possibility,
Into light.
Into a hat.
Into the utter joy of a long-roped swing.
To love is:
To limit,
To listen,
To desire.
The knot garden over the meadow,
The cranberry-orange cookie.
In specific.
Because you must limit the infinity of possibility
If you are to see the one
You need to love.
Love creates from andendlessseriesofoneandoneandoneandone–
The beloved.